Sensual Massage for Men

The genital massage (lingam massage) is never rushed. Your therapist will slow down, stop or change the method and technique. This repeated “peaking” process will help you learn to have multiple orgasms without ejaculating. Although delaying ejaculation.


During the course of the sensual massage you will experience maximizing pleasure. Although delaying ejaculation during the course of the sensual massage is desirable from the perspective of maximizing pleasure, many do like to finish the sensual massage with one. This is perfectly acceptable. Ejaculation provides a considerable amount of pleasure.


Many of our clients enjoy the treatment without ejaculation. They use this to enhance their private and personal sexual activities with their partners. The process of peaking and having multiple orgasms without ejaculation will enhance your sensitivity to your own body, improving your awareness and sensitivity to your partners enhancing maximum fun and pleasure.


If you are an explorer, let your therapist know if you want to experience a prostate stimulation. For this purpose she will use soft lubricated surgical latex gloves. Inform your therapist of any prostate condition that you might be aware of.